
Transforma Modular archetictural solutions,
made to improve your experience in healthcare environments

We do care about care

Ogni paziente, affrontando le sfide del ricovero, il confronto con il personale, le operazioni e le cure, non pensa ad altro che al momento in cui tornerà a casa, sperando sia il prima possibile. Perché non metterlo nelle condizioni di serenità e tranquillità per vivere il ricovero come fosse a casa, se non meglio?


Blending 15 years of experience in medical infrastructural systems, and medical equipment, Transforma develops modular solutions, capable of adapting to latest technology of medical equipment in healthcare facilities.
Transforma Team of experts defines the base line of healthcare modular solutions, by altering and utilizing the latest technology hygienic material finishes, to healthcare facility environments.
from the orientation of the walls and Ceiling, to the lighting patterns, along with the positioning of the furniture as well as that of the requisite built-in technologies; Transforma continuously aims to create the ideal and optimum modular solution.


"From Hospitalization to Hospitality": we believe that patient experience should go beyond the mere bleak cycle Acceptance-Treatment-Discharge, having the current healthcare facilities a deep impact on care providers as well as patients and visitors.
If latest medical technology adaptation, discomfort, and cross infection resemble the daily challenges of the healthcare sector, our goal is bringing functionality, privacy, comfort and hygiene, as the innovating substance elements of Transforma Modular Healthcare Solutions.

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